We're the only place on the web to
buy Real and Genuine 4 Leaf Clovers.
(Mostly from Ireland)
Pressed, Preserved and Real.
They are more scarce than hen's teeth.
They are rarer than rocking horse poo.
Dispatched POST FREE by next-day-post.
Each clover is unique and is sent to you in its own presentation gift folder. Inside it says...
'Good Luck' isn't just about winning the lottery.
If you did win, that undoubtedly would be your 'Good Luck'
working...But think of all the 'Good Luck' you've had, that you've simply taken for granted.
It's often the best sort of 'Good Luck'. Events like....
You cross the road but don't get mowed down by the lunatic driver who's out there.
Or you've been in the same room as someone whose poorly but haven’t got ill.
Think of the waiting room at the doctors.
If you’re English, you likely have a roof over you head and food in your tummy.
It was 'Good Luck' you weren't born a beggar in India or in a war zone like Syria.
The list goes on.
So count your blessings and be thankful for the 'Good Luck' you've already
enjoyed and which you'll have again, even though you dont know it's happening.
Good Luck!
Now visit our Lucky Clover Gifts Page.
Or visit our Lucky Clover Legend Page.
Or email us direct at Good Luck Clovers.
03/1/2020 | Deliveries to France | Middlesborough | carnforth |Lancaster
03/12/2019 | Deliveries to USA | Wigan | Farnworth | Bollington | Macclesfield..
10/10/2019 | Deliveries to Bolton | Wallingford | Chalabre |Yeovil.
25/09/2019 | Deliveries to Preston. | Dent.| 152.
20/08/2019 | Deliveries to Macclesfield.
15/06/2019 | Deliveries to Bosley | Wigan.
9/05/2019 | Deliveries to Bollington | Macclesfield.
3/5/2019 | Deliveries to Worsley | York.
25/4/2019 | Deliveries to Atherton.| Wallingford. | Leigh.
Real 4 Leaf Clovers - Through the post - Through the year - Available Now